Monday, October 27, 2008


On my first day viewing my microaquarium I noticed two particular species of organisms. I used water dish 2 and added plants A and B. I viewed many small, circular clear organisms that moved too quick to even study under a microscope. However, the two species that i were able to observe were a flatworm and a nematode. The flatworm, Turbellaria, was long and clearish green in color. It moved by contraction just like a land worm would and had a very distinctive head on it. The worm was multicellular. The second species that I was able to study was a nematode that was very fast moving. I was able to study it however because it kept itself anchored while it was feeding. It kept wriggling around but I was able to notice that it was also clearish green just like the tubeworm, and I ended up seeing at least three of the nematodes in my aquarium. It was also multicellular. I observed these on Friday the 24th of October.

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